Abuse & Assault Services in Bassendean
Abuse & Assault Services
Dv Assist
DVassist provides single or multi session counselling via telephone or webchat, information and resources for people experiencing family and domestic violence who live in regional, rural and remote WA.
Abuse & Assault Services
Flying Free
Peer-run service seeking to provide support and advocacy for victims of abuse and mistreatment from mental health and AOD facilities in WA. We seek to provide peer support, information and resources for victims to report their experiences, and seek justice and healing. We also advocate for change and increased regulation in the WA mental health and AOD sector.
Abuse & Assault Services
Full Stop Australia
Full Stop Australia offers free confidential, trauma specialist counselling for people of all genders who are impacted by violence and abuse, as well as their friends, colleagues and family members.
Abuse & Assault Services
Ishar Multicultural Women's Health Services Inc.
ISHAR MULTICULTURAL WOMEN'S HEALTH SERVICESIshar Multicultural Women’s Health is a provider of vital services to refugee and migrant women, supporting them to become contributing members of the community. Ishar's mission to provide inclusive, holistic and culturally sensitive services for women and their families promoting healthy communities.