Disability Services in Bunbury
What Is This?
Individuals with disabilities can access a range of services including personal care, community participation, health and employment support.
How Is It Funded?
Either self or partially funded by individuals. Additionally, many disability services are funded through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), by applying online or contacting an NDIS representative for assistance.
How To Access?
Access is through contacting the services in Bunbury directly or via referral. Occasionally access to disability supports involves assessment or application to the appropriate government agency. Individuals can access disability services through direct contact with service providers or by registering for the NDIS. Referrals can also be made by healthcare professionals, community centers, or government agencies that specialise in disability services.
Disability Employment & Training Services
APM Disability Employment Services
APMAPM's Disability Employment Services helps people with an injury, illness or disability find a job with a local Bunbury employer. We also provide workplace modification, assessment, school leaver, and ongoing support services.
General Child Services
General Disability Services
Cam Can - Bunbury
Cam CanCam Can is an organisation that provides individually tailored support to people who have an intellectual, cognitive, sensory, physical or neurological disability. Cam Can assists people with disabilities and their families to create innovative, personalised, flexible and sustainable arrangements that maximise their control over available resources, decision making and choice.
General Disability Services
Senses Western Australia - Bunbury
Senses Western AustraliaSensesWA is a charitable, non-profit organisation providing disability support and disability services across WA.
General Disability Services
South West Autism Network - Bunbury
South West Autism NetworkSWAN provides information, resources advocacy and peer support to people with autism and other disabilities. We specialise in information on NDIS, mainstream and disability support, with local knowledge and expertise.
Disability Employment & Training Services
uLaunch - Bunbury
UlaunchuLaunch is a Disability Employment Services (DES) provider that helps people living with illness, disability or injury find work. We believe that people living with a disability deserve every opportunity to live a self-determined strong life of confidence and pride, thriving in their community.
South Bunbury
Disability Accommodation Services
Activ Industries - South West
Activ IndustriesProvide accommodation, home and community care, recreation, respite, supported employment and transport services to people with disabilities, to enable them to reach their potential.
General Disability Services
Anderson Neurological & Developmental Services
Anderson Neurological & Developmental ServicesSupport Coordination - Bunbury and the South West, Manjimup, Walpole, Pemberton, Margaret River, Harvey, Augusta
East Bunbury
General Disability Services
At Home Care - Bunbury
At Home CareAt Home Care is a registered NDIS provider specialising in 24/7 in-home care and nursing services for adults and children with spinal cord injuries, acquired brain injuries and other complex care needs.
Disability Respite and Activity Centres
Best Life Support Services WA
Specialised Respite to fit your needs and include the activities of your choice. Includes accommodation, food, drinks, transport and negotiated activities.
Carey Park
General Disability Services
Best Life Support Services WA
STA/Respite - support is provided to increase your skill development within the home while incorporating fun activities of your choice within the community. Host family - Assists you to explore different ways to live and finds the best way that suits you. Co-tenancy - Support to assist you to share a living space with like-minded individuals. Consulting - 1:1 to access the NDIS or plan reviews.
Carey Park
General Disability Services
Better Life Centre
Better Life Centre specialises in the sale and hire of products and health equipment for the elderly, and people in rehabilitation recovery after injury and surgery. Our products are designed to improve independence, quality of life, as well as comfort and pain relief.
General Disability Services
Clarke Plan Management & Bookkeeping - Bunbury
Clarke Plan Management & BookkeepingNDIS Registered plan Management Services Understanding of the NDIS practices and procedures. Assistance for understanding and control of your plan and your funds. Implement NDIS plan and ensure funds are correctly allocated Efficient payment of accounts. Personalized service from plan manager to participant / guardian. Remote ares, flexible contact methods, online zoom
General Community Clubs
General Disability Services
Fitness Activities
Indoor Recreation and Leisure
Personal Development Activities
Indoor Sports
Adult Education
Dance Steps South West
Dance Steps fun friendly community classes, on different days, at various venues across the South West. A Monday Dance class is held for individuals with disabilities, who can attend with/without a carer. Adult classes learn; Latin, Salsa, Ballroom, New Vogue and Linedance. We recommend to call or send an email, happy to discuss any questions, that lead you to learning a variety of Dance Steps.
East Bunbury
General Disability Services
Enable WA - Bunbury
Enable WAEnable WA supports individuals and families living with disability, mental health, ageing and short and long term health issues in their home and community.
General Disability Services
Hendercare - West Perth
HendercareWorking with people with a disability and their support network is a crucial part of what we do at HenderCare. The NDIS has changed the way people access disability care, and as a registered NDIS provider, we can help you meet your goals.
General Disability Services
Hera Support Services
Hera SupportSupport Coordination and Specialist Support Coordination in Bunbury and South West Region.
Disability Accommodation Services
General Disability Services
Home Care & Safety Services
Home Cleaning Bunbury
Since inception, our talented team works hard everyday to provide the best services for our clients. We customise our work based on our clients needs, so get in touch today to arrange a booking. We are a NDIS Registered Provider and can assist in the following areas; House And/Or Yard Maintenance. Household Cleaning And Other Household Activities. Linen Service. Please email/call us.
South Bunbury
General Disability Services
My Flex Health South West
My Flex HealthMy Flex Disability is experienced in providing in home personal support services across Perth and the South West to a wide range of people living with disability, including children, the elderly and consumers requiring private services.
East Bunbury
General Disability Services
My Plan Manager
My Plan Manager is Australia’s largest plan management service – we take the stress out of the NDIS. We can process your NDIS invoices, reduce time-consuming paperwork, and support you to quickly and simply track your NDIS plan spending. We can also work with you to maximise your NDIS plan and ensure it includes the important items that really make a difference to achieving your goals.