General Practice/Doctor

General practice service

Willetton Medical Centre

Willetton Medical Centre

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About Us

Willeton Medical Centre has seven consulting room and a purpose built treatment room, designed and constructed with the needs of mainstream medical practice in mind. 

The waiting room is spacious and has a dedicated children’s wing to cater for their needs.

The consulting rooms are generous and allow for the privacy for the consultations.  The Treatment Room is state of the art with an automated defibrillator for emergencies.

Dedicated bays also allow for treatments that include Vaccinations and Immunisations, Wound dressing, Spirometry and Lung and Cardiac Assessments and a fully equipped Minor Procedures room that caters for all minor procedures.

Adjoining WMC is the Specialist Centre on the corner of Pinetree Gully Road and Burrendah Blvd.  This houses both Clinipath Pathology for blood and specimen collection and Waves Audiology Services for all your hearing needs.

We are a Teaching Practice, and as such, often have Medical Students from UWA, Notre Dame University and Curtin University.  There are usually 1-2  General Practice Registrars working at the Practice who are in training to sit their fellowship exams in General Practice.

In house training and direct observation is a valuable teaching and training tool which out doctors use to impart their knowledge and skills to those entering the profession.

You will be informed prior to your consultation if a third party may be present.  This is entirely optional, so please let any of our staff know if you do not wish to have anyone present during your consultation and  we will gladly afford you the privacy you request.

Quick Facts About The Region

Willetton Medical Centre is located in the suburb of Willetton, the council of Canning and the federal electorate of Tangney.