Health Services in Cottesloe
What Is This?
Health Services provide links to medical support in both the public and private sector. The support includes a wide range of initiatives aimed at maintaining and improving the health and well-being of individuals and communities. These services include primary care, hospital care, mental health services, allied health services, preventive care, and health promotion programs.
How Is It Funded?
Health Services are primarily funded through Medicare and other public health initiatives. Additional funding comes from private health insurance, and out-of-pocket gap payments by patients. How much does it cost? The costs vary from each provider and health service. A portion of costs might be met by either Medicare or private health insurance.
How To Access?
Individuals can access health services through local clinics, hospitals, online health platforms, and referrals from general practitioners (GPs). Government websites and hotlines also provide information on available health services, including emergency assistance and specialised care.
Sexual Support Services & Counselling
MHSTAre you experiencing sexual assault or domestic and family violence? Seeking to support someone who is? Qualified, experienced counsellors are available 24/7 to provide support, information and referral. Call 000 if in danger.
Drug & Alcohol Services
24hr Alcohol and Drug Support Line
Mental Health CommissionThe Alcohol and Drug Support Line is a 24/7 non-judgemental and confidential telephone counselling, information, referral and support line for alcohol and drug use.
Drug & Alcohol Services
24hr Meth Helpline
Mental Health CommissionThe Meth Helpline is a confidential, non-judgemental telephone counselling, information and referral service for anyone seeking help for their own or another person’s meth use.
Drug & Alcohol Services
24hr Parent and Family Drug Support Line
Mental Health CommissionThe Parent and Family Drug Support Line provides confidential counselling, information and referral by professional counsellors as well as support by Parent Peer Volunteers to parents and families in Western Australia who are concerned about a family members' alcohol or other drug use.
General Practice/Doctor
Abby Health App
Abby Health TechnologyJoin Abby Health app and enjoy 100% bulk-billed telehealth consultations with Australian doctors online! Become a valued member of the Abby Health family and gain unlimited access to fully bulk-billed GP appointments and more.
Health Rehabilitation Services
Activ8 Health Club
A registered provider under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Mental Health Services
Adult Community Mental Health Service - Subiaco
North Metropolitan Health Service Mental HealthThe Subiaco Adult Community Mental Health Service provides assessment, treatment and rehabilitation services to adults aged 18 to 65 years who have a mental illness.
Mental Health Services
Adult Mental Health Inpatient Unit - Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
North Metropolitan Health Service Mental HealthThe 30-bed Mental Health Unit at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital provides mental health inpatient services (hospital psychiatric unit) to adults aged 18 to 64 with acute mental illness.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Alcohol and Drug Support Service
Mental Health CommissionThe Alcohol and Drug Support Service at the Mental Health Commission provides support to the public through various programs , such as the BeSmart programs, various parent support groups and support to the Drug Court.
General Health Services
Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA)
Australian Primary Health Care Nurses AssociationAPNA champions the role of primary health care nurses; to advance professionalrecognition, ensure workforce sustainability, nurture leadership in health, and optimisethe role of nurses in patientcentered care.
Mental Health Services
Allied Health
Avicenna Health and Wellness
Good health is not a luxury, it is what you deserve. Blending science and traditional knowledge, we support you on your journey to optimal health with natural, holistic, and personalised solutions.
Allied Health
Axis Health Psychology
Health focused, evidence-based psychological therapy and hypnotherapy for anxiety, depression and stress; gut health; disordered eating and disturbed sleep.
Mental Health Services
BluePages Depression Information
E - Hub HealthBluePages Depression Information provides evidence-based information about depression - what it feels like, how it is diagnosed, how you can seek help and which treatments work. The website includes reviews of the available scientific evidence for a large number of potential depression treatments, so that individuals can make informed decisions about which treatments might be best for them.
Mental Health Services
CAMHS Emergency Telehealth Service
Child And Adolescent Health ServiceUrgent mental health telephone and online videocall support children and young people in the metropolitan area that are experiencing a mental health crisis. Support and advice is also available for families, carers and health professionals. This service is provided by the WA Government.
Mental Health Services
Centre for Clinical Interventions
North Metropolitan Health Service Mental HealthThe Centre for Clinical Interventions is a clinical psychology service of the North Metropolitan Health Service. It provides provides evidence-based treatments to adults experiencing complex anxiety, mood and eating disorders, conducts research and provides training and resources.
Mental Health Services
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) - Fremantle
Child And Adolescent Health ServiceThere are 10 community CAMHS services across the Perth metropolitan area. These provide assessment and treatment of persistent mental health difficulties in infants, children and young people. Children and families are referred to these services by their treating therapist, specialist, GP, school or other community organisation. They are provided by the WA Government.
Mental Health Services
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) - Shenton Park
Child And Adolescent Health ServiceThere are 10 community CAMHS services across the Perth metropolitan area. These provide assessment and treatment of persistent mental health difficulties in infants, children and young people. Children and families are referred to these services by their treating therapist, specialist, GP, school or other community organisation. They are provided by the WA Government.
Mental Health Services
Ageing Health Services
Clear Health Psychology
Provides Health Services - Mental Health Services in the Mount Lawley area
Mental Health Services
Community Mental Health Step Up/Step Down Service - Joondalup
Neami NationalThis service provides short term (up to 28 days) support in a residential setting, providing an alternative to hospitalisation (step up) or transition from hospital back into the community (step down). The Joondalup step up/step down service is provided by Neami National.
Mental Health Services
Complex Attention and Hyperactivity Disorders Service
Child And Adolescent Health ServiceThe Complex Attention and Hyperactivity Disorders Service is a specialist assessment and consultation service for children aged up to 17, and their families, who have persistent complex attention difficulties and related conditions. It is provided by the WA Government.