Accommodation Services in Donnybrook-Balingup
What Is This?
The accommodation services in Donnybrook-Balingup category offers a range of resources to assist people if they are homeless or at risk of homelessness. This category helps to find affordable or subsidised housing options in Donnybrook-Balingup and relevant supports.
How Is It Funded?
Accommodation services in Donnybrook-Balingup are often funded through a mix of government grants, and private sector investments. Government programs in Donnybrook-Balingup may provide subsidies or incentives to support affordable housing projects, while private developers and investors contribute capital for constructing and maintaining accommodation facilities in Donnybrook-Balingup
How To Access?
Contact or visit local housing agencies, or community organisations that offer accommodation services in Donnybrook-Balingup. They can provide information on available properties, eligibility criteria, and application processes.
Crisis & Emergency Accommodation
South West Refuge Bunbury
SOUTH WEST REFUGE INCSouth West Refuge provides safe and secure accommodation, advocacy and support for women, and women with children, escaping Family and Domestic Violence.
Disability Accommodation Services
St.jude's Health Care Services - Bunbury
St.jude's Health Care ServicesSt Jude’s provides flexible disability housing options for NDIS-funded individuals, supporting you to achieve your goals and live with independence. With a range of well-designed homes across Perth Metro and the South West Region of WA, we offer a growing portfolio of home and living options. We also offer a range of flexible respite care and short-term accommodation at any of our properties.
Crisis & Emergency Accommodation
Crisis Care Helpline
Department Of CommunitiesAccommodation Services - Crisis & Emergency Accommodation - Crisis & Emergency Accommodation.
General Accommodation Services
General Health Services
Home Care & Safety Services
General Support Services & Counselling
Multi-cultural & Refugee Health
Davies, Amelia
A registered provider under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Specialist Homelessness Services
Homelessness Service - Adult and Families
AccordwestThe Accordwest Homelessness Service provides intensive case work support to single adults and families in the South West Region who are homeless or at risks of homelessness. The key objective of the program is to support clients to focus on barriers and client complexities impacting on their ability to secure and/or sustain long term housing
Disability Accommodation Services
Disability Respite and Activity Centres
General Disability Services
Home Care & Safety Services
Palliative Care
Virtuous Care Services
NDIS Registered Provider for Supported Independent Living, NDIS Supported Accommodation, Community nursing care, and transport/travel. Accepting new bookings.
Specialist Homelessness Services
Youth Accommodation and Support Service (YASS)
AccordwestThe Accordwest YASS Program provides support to young individuals and families (15-25 years old) that are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the South West Region. Case workers support young individuals and families to reach goals in accessing accommodation and other support options.
Disability Accommodation Services
General Disability Services
Home Care & Safety Services
Home Cleaning Bunbury
Since inception, our talented team works hard everyday to provide the best services for our clients. We customise our work based on our clients needs, so get in touch today to arrange a booking. We are a NDIS Registered Provider and can assist in the following areas; House And/Or Yard Maintenance. Household Cleaning And Other Household Activities. Linen Service. Please email/call us.
Mental Health Services
Housing Support Program
LampHousing Support Providing dedicated support for people with severe mental illness who are ready for discharge from Specialist Mental Health Facilities. We use a case management approach, linking with community and clinical mental health services ensuring appropriate housing options are explored. Referrals are from the Specialist Mental Health Inpatient Units & private practitioners.
General Communication & Information
Shire Of Donnybrook Balingup
Participation: Inclusive for people with disabilities Fees: Pool: Concession $4.60 | Adult $6.30 | Child $4.60 Gym: $16.00 Available To: Everyone welcome Supporting Disabilities: Physical and intellectual Accessibility: -Wheelchair access -Accessible toilets and showers -Swimming pool hoist -Sports stadium -Weights room
Disability Accommodation Services
Vera Living
Vera Living are a luxury Specialist Disability Accommodation provider. Our friendly team are here to support you with every part of your SDA journey. From providing advice, to finding your home, helping you move and giving ongoing support in your Vera home, we are here throughout. Contact us to start your journey to luxury SDA today.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Addiction In-Home Recovery (AIR Detox)
Our in-home detox program enables our patients to safely withdraw from alcohol or cannabis within the comfort and privacy of their own home. Our doctor makes daily home visits to closely monitor your withdrawal and provides 24hr support so we are with you every step of the way. We also create a personalised aftercare plan for you and provide 12 months of ongoing support.
Ageing Information & Counselling
Home Care & Safety Services
General Ageing Services
Advocare care finder program
Advocare Incorporatedcare finder program - Perth North, Perth South, South West and Central/Western Wheatlbelt.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Alcohol and Other Drug Residential Rehabilitation - South West
Cyrenian House - Alcohol & other Drug Treatment ServiceThis service provides residential rehabilitation for people with alcohol and other drug issues in the South West of WA.
General Education Programs
Anger Management & Conflict Resolution Program
TRANSFORMATION MINISTRIESHave you experienced problems with anger & rage that has caused harm to yourself and those you love? Anger is a normal human emotion when we feel we are being threatened, or those we love. If you prefer to do the 24/7 ONLINE course, click on the green button on website. If we don’t deal with what causes us to get angry, then it turns into rage. Anger Management & Conflict Resolution Program
General Animal Services
Assistance with Domestic Duties for NDIS Pet Owners
Pet CloudPetCloud's national service offers 1. Animal Assisted Mentoring in the Community, 2. Pet Care during Hospital Treatment or Rehabilitation, 3. Assistance with Pet related Household tasks
General Disability Services
Best Life Support Services WA
STA/Respite - support is provided to increase your skill development within the home while incorporating fun activities of your choice within the community. Host family - Assists you to explore different ways to live and finds the best way that suits you. Co-tenancy - Support to assist you to share a living space with like-minded individuals. Consulting - 1:1 to access the NDIS or plan reviews.
Allied Health
Blackwood Therapy
Mobile occupational therapy service for people living in the Blackwood region of South West WA. Open Monday-Friday. Accepting NDIS, Home Care Packaged, Medicare and Private referrals.
Community Service Clubs
Braille House
Braille HouseFree lending Braille library. Braille House is a Not-for-profit organisation that transforms the lives of vision impaired people with by producing and giving access to reading material and other tactual resources through our extensive library of books, and much, much more.
General Support Services & Counselling
Collie Family Centre
COLLIE FAMILY CENTRE INCORPORATEDCollie Family Centre is a not for profit organisation operating out of Collie Community House in Collie, Western Australia. We offer counselling services, community and support programs, room hire, and referrals to a range of organisations operating in Collie and Bunbury.