Transport Services in Manjimup
What Is This?
Transport Services provide various modes of transportation to help individuals and communities travel efficiently and safely. These services include public transport, taxi and rideshare services, community transport for those with mobility issues, and support for individuals with disabilities to access transport options.
How Is It Funded?
Transport Services are primarily funded by government subsidies, and ticket sales. Additional funding comes from grants, public-private partnerships, and community initiatives. Some services, like those for individuals with disabilities, may receive specific government support and subsidies. How much does it cost? Costs vary depending on transport method and locations.
How To Access?
Individuals can access Transport Services through local public transport, taxi and rideshare apps, and community transport programs. Information on accessing these services is available through government websites, community centres, and public transport authorities.
General Aboriginal Services
Aboriginal Health Services
Pregnancy, Maternity & Newborn Health
Oseca Health - Manjimup
Oseca HealthDown South Aboriginal Health implements strategies and provides resources to improve the health and wellbeing of the local ATSI community. Offices are in the towns of Manjimup and Collie.
General Advocacy Services
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
General Child Services
Aboriginal Support Services & Counselling
Maternity Support Services & Counselling
Community Information & Referral Services
Child Youth & Family Health
Accordwest Child and Parent Service Manjimup
Agencies For South West Accommodation IncIndividual support for parents and children Groups, workshops and information sessions Case management Information / advice Education Advocacy Better understand your child's developmental needs Identify cues and interpret your child's behaviour Boost your child's ability to cope with challenges, changes and emotions Improve your own unique parenting skills
Community Health & Medical
Amity Health - Walpole
Amity HealthAmity Health is a not-for-profit organisation providing a range of programs to support the health and well-being of our local community.
General Accommodation Services
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Sexual Support Services & Counselling
Financial & Gambling Management & Budgeting
Anglicare WA - Manjimup
Anglicare WAAnglicareWA is a not for profit community service organisation. We support people, families and their communities to cope with the challenges of life by building their resilience and capacity. We assist people with relationship issues, financial problems, and housing difficulties. Ultimately, we want our clients to thrive in today’s society.
Ageing Accommodation
Baptistcare Moonya Residential Care
BaptistcareBaptistcare Moonya is located in the delightful South West timber town of Manjimup, about 300 km from Perth and a ninety-minute drive from Bunbury.
Home Care & Safety Services
Belong at Home - Bridgetown
Belong at HomeBelong at Home provides in home support services for people over 65 living in the Bridgetown, Boyup Brook area. We provide Commonwealth Home Support, Home Care Package and Private service options. Contact us for more information.
General Health Services
Health Rehabilitation Services
General Disability Services
Daily Living Products - Bayswater
Daily Living ProductsYour local mobility, assistive living & daily living aids retailer. NDIS registered provider
General Disability Services
General Ageing Services
Health Rehabilitation Services
Daily Living Products - Wanneroo
Daily Living ProductsYour local mobility, assistive living & daily living aids retailer. NDIS registered provider
Aboriginal Health Services
Integrated Team Care - Southwest
South West Aboriginal Medical ServiceAssists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to obtain primary health care as required. Provides care coordination services to eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic disease/s who require coordinated, multidisciplinary care, and improve access to culturally appropriate mainstream primary care.
Community & Neighbourhood Centres
Manjimup Community Resource Centre
We are a friendly, informal place where community members can meet for a variety of health and social activities at minimal cost.
Community & Neighbourhood Centres
Manjimup Family Centre
Manjimup Family Centre is a friendly, informal place where community members can meet for a variety of health and social activities at minimal cost.
General Practice/Doctor
Manjimup General Practice
MedibizHome Welcome to Manjimup General Practice. We at Manjimup General Practice realise that there are financial constraints for a modern family and so we strive to provide the best service whilst still keeping the services bulk billed, including that of allied health services where possible.
Community & Neighbourhood Centres
Northcliffe Community Resource Centre
We are a friendly, informal place where community members can meet for a variety of health and social activities at minimal cost.
Community & Neighbourhood Centres
Northcliffe Family Centre
We are a friendly, informal place where community members can meet for a variety of health and social activities at minimal cost.
Fitness Activities
parkrun - Manjimup
Parkrun AustraliaManjimupparkrun is a fun, free event organised by volunteers for the benefit of everyone. This event starts Saturday morning at 8:00am.
Community & Neighbourhood Centres
Pemberton Community Resource Centre
We are a friendly, informal place where community members can meet for a variety of health and social activities at minimal cost.
General Disability Services
Personal Care (Disability Service Provider)
DTC CareCore Supports that enable participants to complete activities of daily living. We assist participants by assisting them to achieve their goal of completing daily personal activities, and Assistance with Travel/Transport Arrangements. Assistance in participation in community, social and civic activities.
General Communication & Information
Shire Of Manjimup
There are many reasons why our Shire is a great place to live, work and unwind. The Southern Forests is a nurturing community with a diverse and stable economy, low crime rate and extensive facilities. The Shire provides a number of services for residents and visitors including public infrastructure, regulatory and compliance services and community services.
Allied Health
Soul Nutrition WA
One-on-one virtual dietitian counselling via Telehealth (video chat or phone call). Specialty areas include Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Binge Eating Disorder and gut health. Get support, education, monitoring and advice from a qualified nutrition expert. Accredited Practising Dietitian registered with Dietitians Australia (DA), Australia's peak body of nutrition professionals.
Environment & Conservation Local History
South Coast Environment Group
The South Coast Environment Centre is managed by a committee comprising of volunteers elected from the local community and is run by a part time coordinator.