General Support Services & Counselling
AVP (NSW) - Online
Alternatives To Violence Project (NSW)

About Us
The Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) offers small group workshops helping people transform conflict and develop nonviolent relationships. Using a variety of interactive activities, listening to each other and self-reflection, the workshops promote individual and community growth. We believe there is a power for peace and good in everyone, and that this power can help transform violence.
Learn more about AVP in NSW here. The workshops are free, but a donation will help us expand our work. We offer workshops in Sydney, Newcastle and online.
The Sydney workshops are held at on weekends (all day Saturday and Sunday) at Auburn, Castle Hill and Lurnea (near Liverpool). There is usually at least one workshop a month. The Newcastle workshops are held weekly (on a Wednesday afternoon in Hamilton North or a Thursday morning in Broadmeadow) and you can start any week. Once you complete 9 (Thursday) or 10 (Wednesday) sessions, you receive a Basic certificate. The online workshops are held a few times a year around a weekend.
Our Sydney and Online workshops are listed here and our Newcastle workshops are listed here.
The Basic workshop can help you to:
- manage strong feelings such as anger and fear
- deal more effectively with risk and danger
- build good relationships with other people
- communicate well in difficult situations
- recognize the skills you already have and learn new ones
- be true to yourself while respecting others
- understand why conflict happens
The Advanced workshop can help you learn to make group decisions by consensus and then explore one or more topics (chosen by the group) in more depth. Common topics include fear, anger, communication, stereotyping, power and powerlessness, and forgiveness.
If you want to keep exploring nonviolence you can repeat any of the workshops (each workshop is different) or apply to do the Training for Facilitation workshop where you will learn skills needed to facilitate an AVP workshop.
Extra Information
Online Service Yes
Accessible By Anyone
Access Fee No fee
Age Ranges From 16 to 90 years of age
Adult Education, Community Education, Conflict Resolution, Domestic Violence, Family Violence, Improved Life Choices, Improved Relationships, Self-Development, Social SKills, Violence Prevention