Transport Services in Merredin
What Is This?
Transport Services provide various modes of transportation to help individuals and communities travel efficiently and safely. These services include public transport, taxi and rideshare services, community transport for those with mobility issues, and support for individuals with disabilities to access transport options.
How Is It Funded?
Transport Services are primarily funded by government subsidies, and ticket sales. Additional funding comes from grants, public-private partnerships, and community initiatives. Some services, like those for individuals with disabilities, may receive specific government support and subsidies. How much does it cost? Costs vary depending on transport method and locations.
How To Access?
Individuals can access Transport Services through local public transport, taxi and rideshare apps, and community transport programs. Information on accessing these services is available through government websites, community centres, and public transport authorities.
Youth Accommodation Services
Aboriginal Health Services
Community Transport
General Youth Services
Youth Information & Counselling
Children & Youth Clubs
Community Information & Referral Services
Specialist Homelessness Services
Avon Community Services
ACS offer Youth Programs, Mentoring Services, Drop In Service and Transitional Housing for Youth that are Homeless or "At Risk" of being Homeless
Aboriginal Health Services
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health - Merredin
Amity HealthProvides an opportunity for all Aboriginal people to come and talk, learn and have support in their communities. This is done through groups, individual work and support to access other primary mental health services.
Community Health & Medical
Amity Health - Merredin
Amity HealthAmity Health is a not-for-profit organisation, providing a range of programs to support the health and well-being of our local community.
Mental Health Services
Community Mental Health Service - Merredin
WA Country Health ServiceThis service provides comprehensive assessment and treatment for people with mental health problems residing in the Wheatbelt.
General Health Services
Health Rehabilitation Services
General Disability Services
Daily Living Products - Bayswater
Daily Living ProductsYour local mobility, assistive living & daily living aids retailer. NDIS registered provider
General Disability Services
General Ageing Services
Health Rehabilitation Services
Daily Living Products - Wanneroo
Daily Living ProductsYour local mobility, assistive living & daily living aids retailer. NDIS registered provider
Aboriginal Health Services
Integrated Team Care - Wheatbelt Northern
WA Country Health ServiceAssists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to obtain primary health care as required. Provides care coordination services to eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic disease/s who require coordinated, multidisciplinary care, and improve access to culturally appropriate mainstream primary care.
Community & Neighbourhood Centres
Merredin Community Resource Centre
We are a friendly, informal place where community members can meet for a variety of health and social activities at minimal cost.
Merredin Health Service
WA Country Health ServiceServices provided include: 24/7 emergency department Acute medical services Home and community care including Meals on Wheels Medical imaging including ultrasound and orthopantomogram (OPG) Mental health services Surgical services Outpatients and post-acute services including rehabilitation Pathology services provided by PathWest
General Practice/Doctor
Merredin Medical Centre
We are a friendly community-oriented practice with medical experience! A team of friendly healthcare practitioners and staff working collaboratively towards achieving your health needs.
General Disability Services
Personal Care (Disability Service Provider)
DTC CareCore Supports that enable participants to complete activities of daily living. We assist participants by assisting them to achieve their goal of completing daily personal activities, and Assistance with Travel/Transport Arrangements. Assistance in participation in community, social and civic activities.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Wheatbelt Community Alcohol and Drug Service - Merredin
HolyoakeThe Wheatbelt Community Alcohol and Drug Service provides assessment, referral and counselling to adults, young people, and families, who are experiencing alcohol or other drug issues.
Sexual Support Services & Counselling
1800 4 Choice Helpline
SHQ1800 4 Choice (1800 424 642) is a free helpline providing confidential support to people experiencing unplanned pregnancy and advice to health workers in Western Australia. This includes information about abortion services and providers of abortion care.
Sexual Support Services & Counselling
MHSTAre you experiencing sexual assault or domestic and family violence? Seeking to support someone who is? Qualified, experienced counsellors are available 24/7 to provide support, information and referral. Call 000 if in danger.
Drug & Alcohol Services
24hr Alcohol and Drug Support Line
Mental Health CommissionThe Alcohol and Drug Support Line is a 24/7 non-judgemental and confidential telephone counselling, information, referral and support line for alcohol and drug use.
Drug & Alcohol Services
24hr Meth Helpline
Mental Health CommissionThe Meth Helpline is a confidential, non-judgemental telephone counselling, information and referral service for anyone seeking help for their own or another person’s meth use.
Drug & Alcohol Services
24hr Parent and Family Drug Support Line
Mental Health CommissionThe Parent and Family Drug Support Line provides confidential counselling, information and referral by professional counsellors as well as support by Parent Peer Volunteers to parents and families in Western Australia who are concerned about a family members' alcohol or other drug use.
General Education Programs
A Team Tuition - HEAD OFFICE
A Team TuitionA Team Tuition offers one-on-one tutoring, in person or online, allowing your child to create a connection with their Academic Personal Trainer. We offer all subjects across all year levels in all state curriculums.
Allied Health
Absolute Care Therapy - Cognitive Stimulation Therapy
Absolute Care TherapyAbsolute Care Therapy provides compassionate support with navigating the ageing and dementia journey. We offer comprehensive functional assessments, personalised therapy, and a detailed report to help you understand your situation and maximise your health and independence. We have a strong focus on carer support, providing education, resources, and wellbeing services.
General Disability Services
Accessability WA
Our purpose is to support ability and create access and participation opportunities for people with a disability so they can achieve their life goals. We do this by implementing personal plans for people with a disability, providing in-house support for clients, their families and carers and skills training to promote independent living.