General Disability Services

Holly Blue Healthcare

Holly Blue Healthcare

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About Us

About Us

Our People

 The co-founders have over 15 years of combined experience in the Disability and Aged Care industries. Having seen the struggles that people with disabilities have in obtaining the quality service they deserve, Holly Blue Healthcare was created to provide a solution for this and to support these needs within our community. 


Our support workers are highly  experienced and qualified ensuring the care you receive is always of the highest standard.

Our Purpose

We understand that not one care plan fits all, that's why we tailor our support packages to suit your needs. We are committed to enhancing the lives of our participants, assisting them to achieve their goals and improve their well-being.  We believe in creating an environment that provides real choices and control for people with disabilities. At Holly Blue Healthcare, we promote a family orientated and multi-cultural approach to our supports and we are committed to keeping participants and team members at the core of all that we do.  

Our Vision

Our vision is to support our participants through all of life’s different stages by enriching their lives through a model of person-centered care, focusing on individual needs to enhance quality of life.  

Services Tailored to Meet Your Needs

Coordination of Supports

Holly Blue Healthcare understands that navigating the NDIS market-place and using your NDIS plan can be very difficult. This can be especially true for those who are new to the NDIS. Our experienced Support Coordinator, who has worked within the NDIS market-place for almost 10 years will ensure that you are getting the most out of your NDIS plan, using your NDIS budget effectively and show you how to interact with service providers confidently. Our Support Coordinator has a wealth of experience within the area of Mental Health and also has experience within the areas of Aquired Brain Injury, Adult Autism, Intellectual Disability and others. 

At-home care and support services

We support you to live as independently as possible with  24/7 care to ensure your safety. This could include; general household services, such as cleaning, home and yard maintenance, laundry and meal preparation and delivery or assistance with activities of daily living such as personal care, hygiene, dressing, medication and domestic duties. We can also provide community nursing care for people with high care needs requiring a high level of skill, as well as the training and up-skilling support workers to respond to the participants' complex needs and respite services such as providing in-home care and away-from-home care at one of our facilities as well as support for the participants to access community activities in order to allow their primary supports and carers to have a break. 

Community and companionship

Our experienced and highly trained support workers provide the highest quality of care to both clients and their families. Our goal is to help individuals and their loved ones live happy and fulfilling lives. We celebrate life by celebrating every milestone. We are here to help you continue enjoying your hobbies to stay connected with your community or make new friends. We can accompany you to do your shopping, banking or attend medical appointments. 

Community Nursing Care & Behaviour Management and Assistance with Personal Activities

Physical disabilities, are some of the few circumstances that prevent clients from caring for themselves. Our support workers can assist you with daily tasks such as mobility, eating, exercising and grooming.
We provide catheter and continence care, diabetes care and support, stoma care, wound care, respiratory care and oxygen therapy, home hospital, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and assistance to access and attend family counseling, dietetics, podiatry management, hospice service, hospital discharge support and 24/7 nursing on call service. 


The support workers at Holly Blue Healthcare can provide assistance for participants who cannot use public or other private transport, from their home to their daytime activities, place of study or workplace. 

Accommodation Support

 Holly Blue Healthcare can also provide assistance with accommodation and tenancy to support participants to obtain, retain and maintain safe and suitable accommodation as well as providing personal support in accommodation and other shared living environments with a focus on developing the skills of each individual to live as autonomously as possible. This will include supporting the development of skills required for daily living and general life skills and the provision of physical well-being supports such as physical activity and nutritious diets. 

Quick Facts About The Region

Holly Blue Healthcare is located in the suburb of Canning Vale, the council of Canning and the federal electorate of Burt.