Crisis & Emergency Services in Perth
What Is This?
This is a where you can find information for welfare services, household emergency relief such as food parcels and vouchers, assistance during financial crisis, and support if you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence. Additionally, this category provides links to Emergency Services agencies – inclusive of contacts for natural disasters.
How Is It Funded?
Either free or partially funded with most services provided by not-for-profit organisations. Other supports are funded through government agencies. How much does it cost? Cost is usually free.
How To Access?
You can access these supports by contacting the organisation directly, or by referral from government agencies.
Welfare Assistance & Support Services
GIVIT is a national online not-for-profit connecting those who have with those who need through its website
Welfare Assistance & Support Services
Homeless Helpline - Perth
Department Of CommunitiesDuring office hours: Homeless Helpline - 1800 199 008 or your local Department of Communities. (Fremantle 08 9431 8800) After hours: Crisis Care - 1800 199 008 To contact a local child protection office please contact 1800 176 888
Crisis & Emergency Accommodation
General Welfare & Support Services
Community Information & Referral Services
Specialist Homelessness Services
Homelessness Services
Uniting WAUniting WA Inner City provides homelessness services including outreach, crisis and accommodation support, as well as emergency relief and financial counselling.
Crisis & Emergency Accommodation
Welfare Assistance & Support Services
Employment Information & Assistance
Drug & Alcohol Services
Mission Australia - East Perth
Mission AustraliaMission Australia is a non-denominational Christian charity that has been helping vulnerable Australians move towards independence for more than 155 years. Every day we support people nationwide by combatting homelessness, assisting disadvantaged families and children, addressing mental health issues, fighting substance dependencies, and much more.
East Perth
Crisis & Emergency Accommodation
Welfare Assistance & Support Services
Red Cross Humanitarian Aid - East Perth
Australian Redcross (Perth)We provide help and support to refugees, people seeking asylum, people in immigration detention and other people who are vulnerable as a result of migration. We also provide services to trace and reconnect families who have lost contact as a result of international or internal conflict, war and disaster.
General Crisis and Emergency Services
Uniting WA - Inner City
Uniting WAEmergency Relief - UnitingCare West’s emergency relief service assists people with immediate financial crises.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Black Swan Health - Osborne Park (Head Office)
Black Swan HealthBlack Swan Health's Bushfire Telehealth Support Service ensures that people have access to the coordinated and tailored support they need to recover from the effects of the recent bushfires. Call 1300 820 398
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Here 4 You CounsellingFiona views her counselling services as a space for constructive dialogue, where she collaborates with clients to build empowerment and self-awareness. She uses tailored strategies to help clients achieve their personal goals. With extensive experience in diverse settings, Fiona provides effective and compassionate support to individuals from all walks of life, including pre-adolescents, teenagers
Crisis & Emergency Accommodation
Crisis Care Helpline
Department Of CommunitiesAccommodation Services - Crisis & Emergency Accommodation - Crisis & Emergency Accommodation.
Youth Crisis & Emergency Services
Department Of Communities
protects and cares for Western Australian children and young people who are in need, and supports families and individuals who are at risk or in crisis. We work proactively with families to build safety around children, and prevent the need for children to enter the out-of-home-care system. We also support children and young people who are in out-of-home care to thrive by working with ...
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Suicide & Self Harm Information
Domestic and Family Violence Mensline
DvconnectMensline is a free, confidential telephone, counselling, referral and support service especially set up for men.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Domestic and Family Violence Womensline
DvconnectTelephone counselling and refuge referral 24/7 Queensland wide DVConnect, Womensline.
Abuse & Assault Services
Dv Assist
DVassist provides single or multi session counselling via telephone or webchat, information and resources for people experiencing family and domestic violence who live in regional, rural and remote WA.
General Advocacy Services
Local Advocacy Services
Abuse & Assault Services
Community Information & Referral Services
Flying Free
Peer-run service seeking to provide support and advocacy for victims of abuse and mistreatment from mental health and AOD facilities in WA. We seek to provide peer support, information and resources for victims to report their experiences, and seek justice and healing. We also advocate for change and increased regulation in the WA mental health and AOD sector.
Abuse & Assault Services
General Cultural Groups
Migrant Services
Community Health & Medical
Mental Health Services
Sexual Support Services & Counselling
General Support Services & Counselling
Loss & Grief Support Services & Counselling
Maternity Support Services & Counselling
General Volunteering Services
Community Information & Referral Services
Carer Information
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBTQIA+)
Adult Health Services
Multi-cultural & Refugee Health
Pregnancy, Maternity & Newborn Health
Ishar Multicultural Women's Health Services Inc.
ISHAR MULTICULTURAL WOMEN'S HEALTH SERVICESIshar Multicultural Women’s Health is a provider of vital services to refugee and migrant women, supporting them to become contributing members of the community. Ishar's mission to provide inclusive, holistic and culturally sensitive services for women and their families promoting healthy communities.
Crisis & Emergency Accommodation
Welfare Assistance & Support Services
Aboriginal Support Services & Counselling
Financial & Gambling Management & Budgeting
Jacaranda Community Centre
JACARANDA COMMUNITY CENTRE INC.JCC is a not for profit, grass roots incorporated community organisation that commenced operations on March 20th 2000 and received its notification of incorporation on May 9th 2000. The services provided by the centre were initiated to meet the needs of the people living in the City of Belmont with 80% being Aboriginal and also Aboriginal people from the wider metropolitan area.
Welfare Assistance & Support Services
Home Care & Safety Services
Linked Cleaning Service -
Linked Cleaning ServiceA cleaning service that assists people who experience hoarding disorder. Linked Cleaning Services will work swiftly and discretely to remedy the situation and restore the property to a liveable home
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Parents Beyond Breakup
PARENTS BEYOND BREAKUP LTDHelping parents deal with the trauma of separation; a major cause of suicide in Australia. Support is available by phone, email, and in-person & online support groups.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
General Support Services & Counselling
Loss & Grief Support Services & Counselling
Suicide & Self Harm Information
Suicide Call Back - National Phone Service
On The Line AustraliaThe Suicide Call Back Service is a 24-hour, nationwide service that provides telephone and online counselling to people 15 years and over who fit one of the following categories: People who are suicidal, people who are caring for someone who is suicidal, people bereaved by suicide or health professionals supporting people affected by suicide.
General Crisis and Emergency Services
SES, Rural Fire, Lifesavers, Search & Rescue
Team Rubicon Australia
Team Rubicon Australia unites the skills and experiences of Australian Defence Force veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams around the globe.